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Grievances - FAQ

National pension trust

What is CGMS Portal?
As per the provisions of the PFRDA (Redressal of subscriber Grievance) Regulations 2015, the subscribers can raise their grievances for resolution through the Central Grievance Management System (CGMS). The grievances shall be directed to the concerned intermediary/office, for taking necessary action to resolve the grievance raised by the subscriber. The resolution remarks provided by the concerned entity shall be intimated to the subscriber over email and also can be viewed online. As per the provisions of the PFRDA (Redressal of subscriber Grievance) Regulations 2015, the subscribers can raise their grievances for resolution through the Central Grievance Management System (CGMS). The grievances shall be directed to the concerned intermediary/office, for taking necessary action to resolve the grievance raised by the subscriber. The resolution remarks provided by the concerned entity shall be intimated to the subscriber over email and also can be viewed online.
How to lodge a grievance?

The first level of grievance is against the entity (nodal office / CRA / POP etc) against which you are aggrieved. As a subscriber, you can register the grievance against an entity under NPS by logging in to the CGMS portal provided by the respective CRA. On successful registration, a token number will be displayed on the screen for future reference.

You can register your complaints / grievances with the respective CRAs from the NPS -> Grievances -> Lodge your Grievance tab in the NPS Trust website.The first level of grievance is against the entity (nodal office / CRA / POP etc) against which you are aggrieved. As a subscriber, you can register the grievance against an entity under NPS by logging in to the CGMS portal provided by the respective CRA. On successful registration, a token number will be displayed on the screen for future reference.

You can register your complaints / grievances with the respective CRAs from the NPS -> Grievances -> Lodge your Grievance tab in the NPS Trust website.

What is a Token Number?
Every time you raise a grievance through the online NPS portal, a token number with respect to it, is generated. This number will be the reference to check the status in the future.
How to check the status of my grievance?
The status of the grievance can be checked using the token number by logging into the CGMS portal of the respective CRA.
What is the turn around time (TAT) for grievance resolution?
The grievance should be disposed off by the entity against which the grievance is raised within 30 days from the date of its receipt.
Where can I escalate the grievance if not satisfied with resolution or grievance not resolved within TAT?
In such cases the grievances shall be escalated to NPS Trust.
How to escalate the grievance?
The grievance can be escalted to NPS Trust by logging into the CGMS portal provided by respective CRA.
What is the TAT to resolve an escalated grievance?
The TAT for resolution is 30 days from the date of escalation to NPS Trust.
Can I send my grievances directly to NPS Trust ?
Yes, you can also raise your grievances to NPS Trust through the CGMS or by sending a mail to grievances[at]npstrust[dot]org[dot]in.
What to do if not satisfied with resolution provided after escalation or resolution not provided within specified TAT?
In case you are not satisfied with the resolution provided or the grievance is not resolved in thirty days from the date of escalation to NPS Trust, then the subscriber can approach Ombudsman appointed by PFRDA and file a representation against the entity concerned for resolution.
Where can I view the Grievance Redressal Policy of NPS Trust?
The Grievance Redressal Policy of NPS Trust can be accessed from NPS -> Grievances -> Grievance Redressal Policy tab
Who is the Ombudsman?
Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority (PFRDA) has appointed Shri Arnab Roy as Stipendiary Ombudsman in terms of PFRDA (Redressal of Subscriber Grievance) Regulations, 2015 for resolving NPS/APY subscriber grievances.
What are the contact details of Ombudsman?

The Ombudsman

o/o Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority (PFRDA)
B-14/A, Chhatrapati Shivaji Bhawan
Qutab Institutional Area

New Delhi-110016
Email: ombudsman[at]pfrda[dot]org[dot]in
Ph. No: 011-26517507, Ext. 188

Who are the Grievance Redressal Officers under NPS Architecture
The details of Grievance Redressal Officers and Chief Grievance Redressal Officers under the NPS Architecture can be viewed from the NPS Trust website under NPS -> Grievances -> GROs and CGROs under NPS Architecture tab
How to Contribute Online?
Contribution can be made online using the website or mobile app of the CRA
How many days to reflect contribution in respective PRAN A/C?
Contributions through eNPS are credited in PRANs on T+2 basis(subject to receipt of clear funds from Payment Gateway service Provider)
What are the various charges under NPS?
The charges applicable under NPS can be viewed from the below link on website: Click Here
How can I view the return of various NPS schemes?
The returns of the schemes under NPS can be viewed from the below link on the website of NPS Trust: Click Here
What is a CRA?

Central Recordkeeping Agency is responsible for recordkeeping, administration and customer service functions for all NPS subscribers including receiving instructions from subscribers through the points of presence, transmitting such instructions to pension funds and effecting switching instructions received from subscribers.

CRA acts as an operational interface between PFRDA and other NPS intermediaries such as Pension Fund Managers, Annuity Service Providers, Trustee Bank etc.

How many CRAs are associated with NPS Architecture?

There are three CRAs registered for NPS, they are :

Protean eGov Technologies Ltd

(Formerly NSDL e-Governance Infrastructure Limited)
1st Floor, Times Tower, Kamala Mills Compound
Senapati Bapat Marg, Lower Parel

Mumbai – 400013.
Website :
Toll-free number : 1800222080

KFin Technologies Private Limited

Plot No 31 & 32, Financial District
Nanakramguda, Gachibowli,

Hyderabad - 500 032.
Website :
Toll-free number
1800 208 1516

Computer Age Management Services Ltd (CAMS)

Central Record Keeping Agency,
No.158 Rayala Towers, Anna Salai,

Chennai - 600002.
Website :
Number - 044-66024888

Who is the regulator of NPS and APY scheme?

Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority (PFRDA) is a statutory regulatory body set up under the PFRDA Act enacted on 01.02.2014 with the objective to promote old age income security and protect the interests of NPS and APY subscribers
