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Functions of CG Nodal Offices

National pension trust

Function of Nodal Offices in CG

Functions of CG Nodal Officer

A Nodal Office is an office that interacts with the Central Recordkeeping Agency (CRA) on behalf of the National Pension System (NPS) subscribers. The following offices perform this function under the Central Government:

  • Drawing and Disbursing Office (DDO)
  • Pay and Accounts Office (PAO)
  • Principal Accounts Office (PrAO)

Drawing and Disbursing Office (DDO)

The DDO interacts with the Pay and Accounts Office (PAO) or the CRA on behalf of the NPS subscribers.

Functions of the DDO:

  • It is the first point of contact for NPS operations.
  • It carries out NPS enrolment of employees.
  • It deducts the contribution towards NPS from the employees’ salary.
  • It sends the salary bill, along with details of such deductions for subscribers to the PAO on or before the 20th of every month.
  • The subscribers’ Permanent Retirement Account Number (PRAN) details received from the PAO upon registration in a CRA are sent by DDO to the Head of Office.
  • It forwards subscribers’ new scheme preference requests, change requests in their details, switch requests and withdrawal requests to the PAO.
  • It forwards subscribers' pension contribution information to the PAO.
  • Complaints of the subscribers are forwarded by the DDO to the PAO.

Pay and Accounts Office (PAO)

The PAO is responsible for maintaining the contribution details for subscribers covered under NPS. It also acts as an intermediary for resolving complaints on behalf of the DDO and the subscriber.

Functions of PAO:

  • Subscriber forms received from the DDO are consolidated at the PAO and forwarded for registration to the CRA.
  • It prepares and uploads Subscriber Contribution Files (SCFs) and generates a transaction ID by the 25th of every month.
  • The contribution amount is deposited in the Trustee Bank by the PAO through the Accredited Bank by the last working day of each month.
  • All requests for change in details, new scheme preference, withdrawal or switch from the subscribers are updated by the PAO.
  • Post the completion of the registration process, CRA communicates the PRAN to the PAO.
  • The PAO communicates the PRAN details of subscribers to the concerned DDO.

Principal Accounts Office (PrAO)

Most of the functions of the Principal Accounts Office or the PrAO are supervisory. It monitors the performances of the Nodal Offices under its jurisdiction. The CRA sends out alerts to the PrAO to carry out its supervisory role effectively.

Functions of PrAO:

  • PAO registration forms are consolidated by the PrAO and forwarded to the CRA for registration.
  • The efficient discharge of responsibilities by the PAO and DDO is monitored by the PrAO in the CRA system.
  • It takes necessary action to ensure that the DDO and PAO comply with the operational procedures of the CRA system.
  • It monitors the resolution of complaints raised against the PAO.