Drawing and Disbursing Officer (DDO)
It acts on your behalf.
Functions of DDO:
DDO collects the registration forms and forwards them to the CRAs for registration. It sends your change request form to DTO for updation in the NPSCAN system.
- Obtaining your duly filled application for allotment of PRAN and filling and certifying the employment details.
- Consolidating application for allotment of PRAN and forwarding it to DTO.
- Distributing PRAN kit, I-Pin and T-Pin to all subscribers.
- Forwarding switch requests, new scheme preference requests, requests for changing subscriber details and withdrawal requests to DTO.
- Providing information about your pension contribution to DTO.
- Forwarding your grievances to DTO.
Before providing services to you, the DDO shall register itself with a CRA. It shall forward the application to the concerned DTO.
District Treasury Offices (DTO)
They maintain your contribution details under NPS.
Functions of DTO:
- Consolidating DDO registration form and forwarding it to CRAs for registration.
- Facilitating your registration by consolidating the application for PRAN allotment.
- Receiving PRAN from DDO and forwarding it to the CRAs.
- Uploading Subscriber Contribution File (SCF) to the NPSCAN system. It contains details of pension contributions.
- Depositing the contribution amount in the Trustee Bank as per the uploaded SCF.
- Investing the contribution amount in schemes of PFM based on your scheme preference.
- Updating switch requests, new scheme preference requests, requests for changing your details and withdrawal requests through NPSCAN.
- Raising grievances on behalf of you and DDO.
- Resolving grievances raised against it by entities in the CRA system.
Before performing the above functions, a DTO shall register itself with the CRAs. It shall forward the application to the concerned DTA.
Directorate of Treasuries and Accounts (DTA)
It monitors the performance of nodal offices under its jurisdiction. CRAs alert the DTA to facilitate the role of a supervisor.
Functions of DTA:
- Consolidating DTO registration form and forwarding it to CRAs for registration.
- Monitoring the performance of DTO and DDO in taking up their responsibilities in the CRA system.
- Monitoring the resolution of grievances raised against DTO.
- Taking important action as required to ensure compliance of DTO and DDO with the procedures of the CRA system.
- DTA shall register itself with the CRAs and send the registration applications of the DTO to CRAs.
Important FAQs
Can I close my account by submitting a physical form to the nodal offices?
Yes, you can initiate a withdrawal by submitting a physical form to the nodal offices and closing your account.
Can I change my residential status at the nodal offices?
Yes, you can contact the nodal offices to change your residential status.
Can I change my scheme preference at the nodal offices?
Yes, you can change your scheme preference by contacting any of the nodal offices.