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Pension Calculator NPS

पेंशन कैलकुलेटर

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मेरी जन्म - तिथि है *
My Existing NPS Tier 1 Corpus ₹  
मैं ₹ का योगदान करना चाहूंगा  
  per month
I want to contribute till my retirement age (In Years)
After retirement, I want to defer my exit/withdrawal till age (in Years)  
% Annual Increase in contributions
My expectation of return on investment is (%)
Projected Corpus at the time of retirement ₹  
कुल निवेश
कुल लाभ
I would like to purchase Annuity ratio (%)
I am expecting an Annuity rate of (%)
Corpus Amount Invested in Annuity
Lumpsum Amount withdrawn
Projected Monthly Pension at the time of retirement
Update Corpus
Proposed Annuity
Increase Monthly Ammount
Desired Monthly Pension ₹  
  per month

Disclaimer :The pension calculator on the NPS Trust's website is meant for information purposes only and is not intended to create any right, obligation or to constitute any advice or opinion or to substitute any professional advice and should not be used as a basis for any investment decision.

Past performance neither guarantees future returns nor assures any pension amount by NPS Trust. Investments under the National Pension System (NPS) are subject to market risks. The annuity plans available are as approved by the Authority and are subject to change without any prior notice.

This calculator is also not intended for distribution to or use by any person in any jurisdiction and any use thereof will be subject to prior approval of NPS Trust. The calculations should not be reproduced or distributed or shared directly or indirectly in any form with any other person or published, copied, in whole or in part thereof, for any purpose.

Please obtain professional advice before relying on any information or calculation contained herein. NPS Trust disclaims any liability with respect to accuracy of information or calculation, rate or any error or omission or any loss or damage incurred by anyone in reliance on the contents herein.

Your Projected Payout at the time of exit

Lumpsum Withdrawal

Monthly Pension

सेवानिवृत्ति पर आपके पेंशन खाते की स्थिति

सेवानिवृत्ति पर आपकी पेंशन राशि


To achieve the desired monthly pension, you have the following options

Option 1: Increase Monthly Contribution

Option 2: Increased Annuity Ratio
